Monday, March 08, 2021

One of My Favorite Game OSTs /// Music Monday #97

All right, seems like it's time for another regular Music Monday post!

Our song for today just so happens to be . . .

"The Ronin of Forbidden Valley" from LEGO Universe
Composed by Brian Tyler

I don't know if you ever experienced the awesomeness that was LU, but man, that game was something else. Probably one of the best MMOGs--nay, one of the best video games--I've ever played. It was pretty short-lived due to a lack of enough financial gain, but it was very well-loved while it was around. Actually, there are fans who are recreating the game, and LEGO has basically told them it's okay. The company may have even "unofficially" helped out in some way? I don't recall all the details, but I'm very excited for its release!

This particular track has always been one of my favorites from the OST, and I'm sure you can see why. The instrumentation, the epicness, the intensity, and the use of the main theme about a minute in is nothing short of perfection. I think Brian put a lot of love into this soundtrack, and it really shows. (It might be his best work???) I don't exactly remember hearing the music in game, though I do recall fighting off the ronin on Cavalry Hill and that it was a fairly challenging the fight, so I'm sure the song did a lot to add to that atmosphere.

I think this song is also special to me because I used in my playlist for one of my LEGO Message Boards stories, An Old Face, a New Game. In this particular scene, one of the characters--a somewhat clumsy ninja--has to protect two of the others from an enchanted statue that's attacking them. It winds up being a chase to the top of a watchtower, where the guy tricks the statue into running off the edge. This particular fight, as well as the whole segment of the story with these character (the plot is very episodic), were some of my favorite things to write. I think that whole story holds a special place in my heart, and the music brings back some very fond memories of it too.

Before I close this post, just wanted to mention that, because it was LU's tenth anniversary the other day, the game's OST was officially released to celebrate. I'm not sure where you can all stream or buy it at the moment, but I know for sure you can listen to the whole thing on YouTube and buy it on Bandcamp. If nothing else, I highly recommend that you at least listen to the whole thing.

So that's that! What're your thoughts on the song? Did you play LEGO Universe back in the day? Do you have any fond memories of story scenes you've written?

1 comment:

  1. Alas, I never played LU, but this is SUCH a good song!!! This may sound weird, but it kind of reminds of some of the Pirates of the Caribbean music. It just has the same type of epic flair. And comparing a song to POTC music is truly one of the highest compliments I can give! I definitely need to try more of LU's music. This is great! And I love how it all holds such special memories for you. ^_^
