Friday, March 05, 2021

Monthly HapPENings: February

Oh . . . it seems to be March already. Guess it's time for one of these.

I'm honestly blanking out on life stuff right now, but maybe that's because I didn't really do anything? Like, aside from my regularly scheduled stuff--working full-time, watching my shows on Monday evenings, watching shows with Chloe and Kaitlyn on Tuesday evenings, watching anime and gaming with Preston on Thursday evenings, gaming with Preston and/or Megan on Friday evenings, gaming with Chloe and Kaitlyn on Saturdays, and doing my usual Sunday stuff with my family--I didn't do much of anything. I suppose that's just life these days.

Bookish HapPENings

Wonder of wonders, I managed to finish a book last month. Although these novels are pretty short, so I'm not sure how much it actually counts for. I definitely enjoyed this one. It's hard to talk much about the plot, because a lot of it hinges on that of the first book, which has some interesting twists. I look forward to seeing how the last two books wrap up the story.

HapPENings on the Screen

I'd already seen this movie a couple of times, but it was just as good the third time around. I really dig this type of secret agent/spy/espionage/action-adventure/whatever-you-wanna-call-it film. It's got a good mix of thrilling fight scenes, chases, and general escapades. The characters are all interesting, and the villain was a unique one--which I think is largely due to his voice, believe it or not. It's kind of this high-pitched rasp, which gives him a very different vibe. And the music is killer too. Basically everything about the movie was great!

So Preston recommend an anime called Joker Game to me, which is about a special group of Japanese spies in World War II. That alone makes for a very interesting story, but what adds to that is the fact that each episode has its own contained plot with a separate spy. Things seem to be starting to connect together, though, so I'm anticipating where that will lead and how everything will go down. (I also love two of my more recent episodes and their spies because of how kindly they treated children. So wholesome!)

While we're on the subject of recommend anime, Preston also suggested this one to me. 91 Days is about a fellow named Angelo, who joins a family of gangsters during the Prohibition Era in order to exact his revenge for the murder of his own family. I'm super into it so far, but I'm worried about how it's all going to end. Part of me wonders if it's going to wind up being a tragedy . . . and the opening, I tell ya. It's so emotional and hits me in the feels every single time. So good!

I'm rewatching Tower of God with my sisters for our Sunday anime stuff, and I'm a bit conflicted about it. I still love it, don't get me wrong--but I'm also a little more critical of certain things this time. Like, if it would've had some shading as part of the art style, and if they rushed some things less, I think it would definitely solidify the show even more. As it stands, I still quite enjoy it, but it's not the highest title on my list of favorite anime.

I finished S2 of Arrow, and it was just as fantastic as the first season was! The final fight was pretty cool in how it was shot, as it seamlessly transitioned from the present battle to one that occurred between the two characters in the past. But it definitely didn't end off perfectly, and I'm highly anticipating where and how S3 will pick up the plot. Until then, I'll be watching S6 of The Flash!

Gaming HapPENings

So I'd played a bit of Wargroove beforehand, doing the occasional match against Preston. But now I've started the solo campaign, and I think I've fallen in love with the game. It's a strategy, turn-based combat where you move in grids to defeat the enemy. It's a bit like the fighting in Fire Emblem games, actually. The music is a total bop, which makes the title 100% accurate. Definitely a solid indie game if you're looking for more of those!

Ah, Terraria, how I've missed you. Preston and I ended up playing it again the other day for the first time in almost a year, and man, that was a nostalgia trip. We used to, back in the day, just play this together. At first we used only the text chat for talking, which is an impressive feat considering how often you need your hands free for other things. But eventually we started to voice chat, and our friendship grew as we gamed together. I think that's one reason why this game holds a special place in my heart. And now that I've dipped my toes back into it after so long, I really want to fully dive in one of these days and play it on a more regular basis.

Writerly HapPENings

Does writing blog posts count? I have been doing a lot more lately thanks to the Music Monday Awards, so that's gotta mean something. Other than that . . . nothing really. I need to get back into one of my stories sometime soon . . .

Anyway, that was February! How was it for you? Anything interesting or noteworthy happen? What have you been watching or playing lately?


  1. YES, the Magisterium series! I feel like it's an underrated story, but I'm glad you're enjoying it! :D (and Mission Impossible is SO GOOD as well. Have you seen Fallout?)

    Ahhhhh, Terraria! That's such a nostalgic game . . . it's so cool that you pulled it back out after all this time.

    I'm glad that you seemed to have a good, peaceful February. And I hope you have a wonderful March, Josiah! :D

  2. I absolutely love that you have an evening to do certain things with friends and family. That's really great! Recently my sister and I have started Friday night movie nights, and there's just something so nice about having that little moment of fun to look forward to each week. It makes the week feel less dull, somehow.

    I've shamefully not read, watched, or played anything you listed here. :O But it all sounds really great!

    I do hope your March proves to be a great month! I honestly can't believe we're on the 3rd month of the year. February just FLEW.
