Monday, June 01, 2020

Facing the Storms /// Music Monday #77

Need I say it? It's that time again!

Our song for today is a lyrical one, called . . .

"Trials" from the Divisions album
Composed by Starset

Starset is one of those very underrated, underappreciated bands. Their cinematic rock style is one I love, and Dustin's vocals are always spot-on--from what I've heard, anyway. One of my best friends recommended them to me a while back, but I didn't check them out at the time. Then one of their songs, called "Monster," popped up in my recommended videos on YouTube. I listened to it and was instantly in love. I decided to buy their newest album, "Divisions," and it's been an oddly relatable collection of songs for me. Not even specifically just in the lyrics, but in the moods of certain songs too. For example, one song ("Perfect Machine") seems to be about a manipulative, broken relationship, something I haven't personally experienced. Yet the mood of the song is somehow relatable. I don't know how to explain it, but that's how it is.

They uploaded this music video for "Trials" a few weeks ago, and it's honestly so cool. You don't see many bands or artists getting their fans to help out with a project like this. It really brings a community together, especially during these weird times we're currently living in.

Speaking of which, that's actually why I picked this song. We currently are dealing with a lot of trials--on an individual level, on a nation-wide level, and on a worldwide level. I don't like to talk about political stuff, because it tends to be negative and divisive. I don't want to talk about the virus or the rioting or the other crazy stuff we're facing. I want to break it down to the simplest terms and address it in the broadest of strokes.

In the face of danger, we are given two choices: fight or flight. We can take on that which opposes us, or we flee from it. Running from your problems never fixed them, but dealing with them straight-on isn't pleasant either. You leave a changed person, maybe even with a few scars and wounds. But as the song says, "These trials make us who we are, who we are, we are / We're motivated by the scars that we're made of."

Now, just to clarify, I'd argue that trials should be testing what's already there, not creating something new. When Jesus told the story of the man who'd constructed his house on a firm foundation, the storm didn't add anything to what the house was built on. It merely beat against what had been there beforehand. However, I also see how problems in life can shape you by your experience with them. We've seen how massive storms can affect cities and countries. So there's both sides to consider there.

So when we come across a storm, what's our reaction? Do we say, "Nah, I'm not dealing with this," and flee the scene? Or do we batten down the hatches and sail right into it? Do we worry about if our beliefs and foundations will survive the flames, if we'll come out burned and scarred because of them? Or do we press on knowing who we are and what we have, and that we'll make it out alive?

Remember, in the eye of the storm there is peace to be found. Jesus promised He'd never leave us and that He has overcome everything the world throws at us. Does this mean things will be easy? That we'll remain unscathed? No, it doesn't. I know from my own struggles that things can be very tough, and that I'm not the same person going out that I was going in. But not even Jesus Himself faced His trials without any scars afterward. Did He not show the disciples the holes in His hands and feet?

The main chorus says, "We take our places in the dark and turn our hearts to the stars." In the shadowed valleys, the blackest nights, and the deepest fears and issues, we can stand boldly, our hearts turned to the One who fashioned those stars with naught but a word. And with Him on our side, fighting for us . . .

How will we not triumph?

Okay, so this turned out way longer than intended, which hopefully makes up for no post last Friday. I hope you enjoyed the song! What did you pull from it?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this was goooooood. I've never heard of Starset, but now I want to check out more! The lyrics were fantastic and the music video was so unique! I love how the lyrics were such a part of the video. It was brilliantly done!

    I think this is such a great song for right now. Everything you shared just...yes! So much yes. It's so true that IN JESUS we can face any storm, any darkness. He is the light, and He triumphs all. This makes me think of that quote that goes something like "the stars shine all the brighter in the darkest of nights". Right now it definitely feels like we're living in a very, very dark night. But that just means God's light can shine more brilliantly.

    Thanks for sharing, Josiah! I loved this.
