Monday, June 15, 2020

The Summer Kickoff /// Music Monday #78

Well, whaddaya know? It's time for another song again!

What better way to kick off the summer than with a fun, upbeat song?

"Too Hot for Pants"
Composed by MDK

MDK's songs never fail to make me think of summer. They remind me of all the times I've driven home from work, windows down, with his music cranked up and getting me hyped. They practically scream summer music to me, no matter what song it is.

The title for this is oddly fitting too. It's too hot for pants, so you gotta wear shorts! If you're wearing pants in summer, you're either naturally cold, you have to for your work or religion, or something's wrong with you. (JK JK no seriously.)

I feel like this particular song is a great example of MDK's work, even if it is nearly six years old at this point. It's got the funky wubstep and chiptune combined, the amazing buildups and drops that you know are part and parcel of every song, and the random sounds/voice clips/whatever the heck they are. Like, who thinks to use a goat scream as part of their drop? Not this guy, but I love it because it's hilarious!

Anyway, I don't really have much to say, and I've actually got something to go to right now as I'm typing this, but I hope this teeny-tiny post still satisfies you and kicks off your summer with a bang!

What'd you think of the song? Do you enjoy this style of music? Any songs that always remind you of summer?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this was funnnnn!!! I was kind of having an exhausting day, but listening to this totally improved my mood and made me ready to tackle all the other tasks I need to get done! :D And it DEFINITELY has an exciting, summer-y feel. Also, that title is great. XD

    Thank you for sharing! This absolutely sounds like a great driving song! I love the upbeat tone of it.
