Monday, November 30, 2020

Long Overdue /// Music Monday #90

So it's Music Monday again, huh? To be honest, I kinda forgot about it, which means I hope you're good with something random. Then again, everything probably seems random on your end.

Our random song of the day is . . .

"Aveline's Escape" from Assassin's Creed III: Liberation
Composed by Winifred Philips

It's been a hot minute since I've shared an Assassin's Creed track. The soundtracks tend to be really good, combining a good blend of quiet and intense moments. Obviously, since this one is about an escape, it's more of an intense one. I feel like the Liberation soundtrack is definitely an underrated one, but from what I remember of it, I really enjoyed it.

This one's got some interesting instrumentation going on. The percussion sounds a bit different, like the drums that are played by beating your hands on them, such as bongos. I couldn't tell you what exact type they are, but that's what it sounds like to me. I think the percussion and the strings definitely carry the track, and it's a great mix.

I don't know much about this game, aside from the fact that it featured the very first playable female protagonist in the franchise, an African-French woman named Aveline--though you probably already figured the name part out. It takes place in New Orleans during the end of the French and Indian War. That's about all I know, seeing as I have yet to play it. I do own it, though, as it was bundled with Assassin's Creed III and its DLC on the Switch.

Not much else for me to say, really. I'm a bit tired as of the time I'm writing this, and seeing as I also wrote my entire Monthly HapPENings post for Friday, I think I'm allowed a bit of slack with this one. Sorry if it's boring this time around!

Did you enjoy the song? Have you played any of the Assassin's Creed games or listened to their soundtracks? Do you have a favorite?


  1. WOW. THIS SONG IS FANTASTIC. I've never listened to any of the Assassin's Creed soundtracks before, but I may have to, because the one you chose was perfectly intense and heart-pounding. Awesome pick! :D

  2. You can NEVER go wrong with Assassin's Creed music!!! And this one definitely gets the heart pounding. It would be a great one to use while writing a fast-paced scene. :D
