Monday, November 16, 2020

Another Venture into K-pop /// Music Monday #89

It's time for another Music Monday post! Fun fact for you: this is the fourth last one for 2020. Crazy, right? The Awards are almost upon us again!

Our song for today is . . .

"Goodbye" from the album Sayonara Hitori
Performed by Taemin

"Goodbye" (or "Sayonara Hitori" if you prefer the Japanese title) is a solo song by one of the members of the K-pop group SHINee, Taemin. While this song in particular isn't K-pop because it's sung in Japanese, I figured that because the singer is Korean and is from a Korean band, and because there's a Korean version of the track, I figured it was okay to put K-pop in the title?

ANYWAY. I'm getting sidetracked here. This dude is so talented in so many ways. Let's first talk about his voice. It's so beautiful and haunting, full of raw, rich emotion. If I could sing half as smooth as he can, I'd be happy. There's just something about his vocal quality that adds a lot to the song. He feels like the perfect person to be singing it.

Not only can he sing, though, but he can also dance. He knows when to bring it down to match the softer tones of the verses, but then goes all out for the chorus and even more so for the following beat drop. K-pop singers go through some really rigorous training, but it's more than evident in this video how all that training pays off. Again, if I could dance half as good as he does, I'd be satisfied.

Then there's the music video itself. Can I just say that the K-pop music videos I've seen are a thousand times better than our North American ones? I love the fantasy vibe of the video, from the swordsmen dueling in the volcano to Taemin waking up on a moonlit pillar of rock. It's just so, so cool! And his costumes are really neat as well.

As for the song, it seems to be about having to say goodbye to someone that you don't want to. There's a line in the main chorus about still smiling in the loneliness, and it ends with him saying goodbye forever. How it all can interpreted seems to be up to you. Whether you find it pretty, emotional, or maybe even both, that's for you to decide. But I think I've rambled long enough. Just watch the video and let me know what you think!

What'd you think of the song and the music video? Would you listen to more of Taemin's work? If you found any English lyrics, what's your interpretation? If you write, does this inspire you in any of your stories?


  1. Ooo, this is such an interesting song! I agree with you on the music video - it was so visually appealing and fascinating, and I feel like we don't get that a lot in North American music videos.
    This was actually the first "K-Pop" song I've ever listened to, and it wasn't what I was expecting, in a good way! Excellent pick, Josiah! :D

  2. Um. OKAY BUT THAT VIDEO WAS AMAZING!!! I have no idea what he was singing, obviously. XD But THAT. WAS. EPIC. And strangely kiiind of fit the vibe of my NaNo novel??? So this came at the perfect timing! That totally made me pumped to write more!

    I never really listen to k-pop or the like, but I apparently SHOULD. THAT WAS FANTASTIC!
