Monday, January 06, 2020

The Music Monday 2019 Awards - Round 1.1

Oh ho ho! Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the greatest music awards show that hardly anyone knows about! It's running for its third year now, and it's renowned for its incredibly difficult decisions, according to those who have participated in the past. Yes, it's the Music Monday Awards, the 2019 edition!

We will be doing this like we have the previous two years, but for those who are new, allow me to explain. The Awards will run for the course of the next several weeks. During that time, you vote for the top song of 2019 through process of elimination in three rounds (the first of which is broken up into three separate parts so as to not overwhelm you). Each round runs for two weeks, and two weeks only. Any votes placed after the two weeks will not be counted toward the grand total.

For round one, we'll be choosing the best song for each month. That is why it's divided up, so that you don't have to listen to 26 songs all at once. Just compare the songs and comment which one is your favorite for every month. You can leave a comment here or on any of the other social medias I'm advertising this on (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even Discord). If I had a preference, having them all on my blog would be simplest. But if having those other options available means getting more voters, so be it.

Enough explaining! Let's get into the action!


"Main Theme" from A Hat in Time

versus "Stronger Faster Braver" from the Two Steps From Hell album Battlecry


"Dragon Roost Island" from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

versus "Dragon Rider" from the Two Steps From Hell album Archangel


"The Kraken" from Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

versus "I Won't Let You Go" by Switchfoot


"Grape Garden" from Kirby's Return to Dream Land

versus "Iron Man 3" from Iron Man 3

And there you have it. The Awards are now in your hands. As was said, simply comment with your favorite song for each of these four months. (In case you were curious about it, yes, I'll be voting too.) Sunday, January 19th, will be the last day to vote for round 1.1; once it's the 20th, there will be no more eligible votes for this round.

Like I've said in years past, feel free to share this on social media with anyone who might be interested. The more people who vote, the more fun the Awards become as the uncertainty of which song will win rises. I, of course, will do my part, but I always appreciate you all chipping in and helping out. Thanks in advance for your participation!

I hope you enjoy the first eight songs!


  1. All right, I shall be the first person to vote. Here are my choices . . .

    January: this one isn't too hard for me. While I would definitely say that A Hat in Time has one of my favorite video game soundtracks of all time, "Stronger Faster Braver" has more meaning to me. I used it in a playlist I made about my experience in college, where it symbolized the end of an amazing year and the unknown things that lay ahead. Plus, it's the main theme for Shattered, the rewritten version of my very first novel. And it's just an all-around great song, so it's getting my vote.

    February: these are both fantastic choices, and it's definitely a bit more difficult picking one. While there's no denying the epicness of the TSFH song, I really, really like "Dragon Roost Island." It's one of my favorite tracks from Wind Waker. Considering that I already voted for a piece of music from TSFH, I'm going for TLoZ.

    March: Okay, this is hands-down the hardest decision of this round. "The Kraken" is seriously epic and intense, and one of the BEST songs from the PotC series. "I Won't Let You Go" is a really encouraging song and has resonated with me. Agh . . . this isn't easy, but I think . . . I'm gonna go with "The Kraken."

    April: This is just as easy as January. I love Brian Tyler's music from what I've heard, and the Iron Man 3 soundtrack was both the first Marvel soundtrack I bought and the first iTunes purchase I made. HOWEVER. Kirby's Return to Dream Land is a HECKING INCREDIBLE GAME with a soundtrack that matches. "Grape Gardens" happens to be a favorite from that game's OST, and it's super pretty and relaxing, so I'm choosing it.

    It's only gonna get worse from here, isn't it?

  2. Tyran and I listened to them together and we each chose our favourites...

    Tyran’s Picks: January - Stronger, Faster, Braver / February - Dragon Rider / March - The Kraken / April - Iron Man 3

    My Picks: January - Main Theme / February - Dragon Rider / March - I Won’t Let You Go / April - Grape Garden

    1. Hey, thanks for doing that, Janette and Tyran! I really appreciate you taking the time to participate. ^_^

      Haha, I love how you both chose the opposite of each other--with the exception of February, of course. That's pretty great. XD Thanks again!

  3. I am late, but I am here!!! :D And yes, this is definitely renowned for difficult decision. So many good songs to choose from UGH.

    Let's see if I can actually make solid decisions...

    JANUARY: "Stronger Faster Braver" from the Two Steps From Hell

    The A Hat in Time theme is delightful, but it takes a lot to beat a TSFH. It's just too epic.

    FEBRUARY: "Dragon Roost Island" from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

    When I say it takes a lot apparently "a lot" means "Zelda music". Because DUH. It's Zelda music! And the Dragon Roost Island song has been a favorite Zelda song for me for yeeeears.

    MARCH: "I Won't Let You Go" by Switchfoot

    GAH. This is definitely the hardest choice of them all. I mean, POTC is so amazing, but I just adore this Switchfoot song so...I had to go with that. BUT THEY'RE BOTH SO GOOD. D':

    APRIL: "Grape Garden" from Kirby's Return to Dream Land

    It's just so happy! Kirby music makes me smile every single time. The Iron Man song definitely has an epic flair, but I gotta go with Kirby!

    Whew! The first one down. Why must these be so difficult??? (But so, so fun!)

    1. Hey, better late than never, am I right? *rubs hands together evilly* Ha! That has been my plan all along: to present you with near-impossible decisions. XD

      I mean, you're not wrong there. TSFH is incredible when it comes to music.

      If I was a betting man, I would've bet on the fact that you'd pick the Zelda music. You're predictable in that way, but a good predictable. ;P

      I know, right? Definitely a tough call. They're both really powerful songs, in totally different ways.

      Kirby music is the best! There's something about it that I just absolutely adore.

      Because the difficulty makes things so much more interesting . . . and increases the fun, in the end.

  4. January: "Main Theme" from A Hat in Time.
    Such a happy-sounding song!

    February: "Dragon Roost Island" from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
    See a theme here? Me is voting for all the video games... xD

    March: "I Won't Let You Go" by Switchfoot
    One of the first songs I remember being introduced to by you.

    April: "Iron Man 3" from Iron Man 3
    Okay, even though I said I was voting for the video game tracks and the fact that "Grape Garden" is amazing... One cannot deny the epicness of this Iron Man song.

    1. It is very happy and upbeat! I'd definitely recommend listening to the whole soundtrack. It's one of my favorite video game OSTs. :D

      I can see that! It's definitely a good practice. Video game music tends to be awesome. XD

      Really? That's interesting . . . I'm always happy to hear that I can show people new stuff to listen to! ^_^

      How could you betray the games in the hand? *clutches hand over heart melodramatically* :P Just kidding, you're obviously allowed to vote for whatever you want. XD

  5. WOOO, it’s that time again! ^^ I’m so excited to see what the results will be. :0

    January: Main Theme from A Hat In Time.
    It’s one of my favorite themes ever and it had a special place in my heart. ;-;

    February: Dragon Roost Island from LoZ: Wind Waker HD.
    Ahhh, this one is no contest for me because Dragon Roost has to be one of my top LoZ tracks and it’s SO nostalgic for me!!

    March: The Kraken from Pirates of the Caribbean.
    IT’S EPIC. Dang, now I REALLLY want to rewatch these movies!!

    April: Grape Garden from Kirby’s Return to Dreamland.
    Classic Kirby music! ^w^ Kirby has such nice, peaceful music.

    1. It is indeed, and I am too! I can already see some definite winners for this round.

      I mean, let's be real: the whole AHiT soundtrack is fantastic. It does? How so?

      Zelda music tops pretty much anything. I can see why it wasn't even a contest. XD

      SO EPIC. Yeah, we need to rewatch them sooner rather than later!

      Kirby music is the best music. And yes, there are a lot of relaxing Kirby tracks, for sure.

      Thanks for voting!

  6. Alright, time to cast meh vote!!!

    Jan: Main Theme from A Hat in Time

    Feb: Dragon Roost Island from Wind Waker

    Mar: the Kraken from Pirates of the Caribbean

    April: Grape Garden from Kirby's Return to Dream Land

    I'm curious to see which songs win!!!

    1. Yay, it's voting time!

      Haha, I love how you and Kaitlyn picked all the same ones. XD Thanks for voting! I'm curious about it too . . .

  7. Oooh okay!! First round...

    Jan - Main Them
    Feb - Dragon Roost Island (my favourite from all of them)
    March - The Kraken
    April - Iron Man 3

    Awesome mix, thanks Joe!

    1. You've got some good choices there, Megs! Then again, any of the songs would've been good choices. XD I'm glad you enjoyed it. You're welcome, and thanks for voting! ^_^

  8. Jan: Stronger Faster Braver
    Feb: Dragon Rider
    Mar: I Won't Let You Go (that was a hard choice!)
    Apr: Iron Man 3

    All of these were great, though! Thanks for the tunes! I have a feeling round 1.2 is going to get harder...

    1. Aside from March, I definitely called all those other choices. XD You're welcome; thanks for participating! Oh, trust me, round 1.2 is FAR worse . . .
