Monday, March 25, 2019

The Hope for Better /// Music Monday #46

On Friday, I was more open and honest than I sometimes am. Today's going to be a little continuation of sorts.

Our song is going to be a lyrical one this time around.

"I Won't Let You Go" from the album Where the Light Shines Through
Composed by John Foreman and Tim Foreman

Talking about the stuff that I did in my last post was very freeing. Sometimes it's good to get the problems you're facing off your chest and into the open. I've seen your responses, and frankly, I was quite touched. You guys are all so supportive and amazing, and I appreciate each and every one of you.

But you know what's even more freeing and empowering? The fact that God promises to never leave us or forsake us, that He wants us to cast our cares to Him, that He has overcome the world, and so much more. It blows my mind every time I stop to really think about and focus on all that He has done for me and all that He continues to do.

I needed a good reminder of that this weekend. Originally, I planned on sharing Switchfoot's song, "If the House Burns Down Tonight." After I listened to it, though, I noticed today's song on the recommended list. It honestly gets me emotional every time I listen to it, but especially so this time around. I think God wanted me to hear it today.

The song is written from His perspective, telling us that He won't let us go. Rather than having you listen to it while reading my post, I decided to only link it at the end and talk less. Just focus on the words of the song; let them wash over you and remind you as well that our God is faithful in any and all circumstances.

I hope you are as encouraged by the song as I was.


  1. I LOVE SWITCH FOOT!!! Some of their songs have been the most inspirational music I've ever listened to ... I have so many faves, but right now I can't remember the title of my VERY favorite one that I used to always listen on repeat.

    And I know what you mean by getting it all out there ... it's good and helpful to do.

  2. Oh man, this brings back memories. I haven't listened to this one in a while, but I've always loved it. It's suuuch a beautiful, emotional piece, and a wonderful reminder, YES. Switchfoot is fantastic! For some reason sometimes I forget about them and how much I enjoy their music. No clue why, but they produce some great stuff!

    I'm so glad being open and this song helped. Don't you love how God gives us the things we need right at the perfect time? He's such a good Father! Been praying for you. Hope you have a good week! ^_^
