Monday, December 14, 2020

Embracing the Cold /// Music Monday #91

So not only is it Music Monday, but it's also December, which can mean one thing: it's time for some more wintery music!

For our listening selection today, we have . . .

"Snowy" from Undertale
Composed by Toby Fox

This one is just a really chill song (see what I did there?). It's simple, yet nothing short of beautiful. To think that such a pretty music is just piano and cello . . . actually, yeah, that makes sense as to why it's so pretty. If you've seen any of the Piano Guys' stuff, you know it's a wonderful combination. This song is no exception.

I always love it when music somehow manages to convey a temperature. Like, a lot of desert themes in video games sound warm and evoke the feeling of sweating under the blazing sun, grains of sand whipping past you when a wind arises. In the same, a lot of snowy themes sound as if you're in a cold environment, boots crunching in the snow while flakes drift down all around you. Maybe it's the instrument choice that gives off the vibe, and there are certain instruments we associate with different seasons or video game biomes/worlds or whatever. Who knows?

I don't know about you, but this song makes me even more excited for Christmas. It's always one of the my favorite times of any year. Though it might be cold inside, it's warm inside your home and your heart. I love how my family comes together to just relax and enjoy time spent with one another. There's so much peace and joy and love, and my heart is at ease.

I also know that there are some people who may hate this time of year because it's the exact opposite of that. Christmas is horrible to them because it reminds them how alone they are, or maybe of what they've lost or how they've suffered. If you know anyone like that, reach out to them and let them know just how loved and precious they really are--especially this year when people have been forced to be alone and isolate from others. It's not healthy. We were not made to be that way. Hopefully we can reach out to others and make their Christmas, their lives, that much brighter. It's what Jesus wants us to do, just as He made our lives so much better and brighter than His birth and sacrifice.

What'd do you think of the song, despite it being on the shorter side? Do you like winter and/or Christmas? What're your favorite things to do this time of year?

1 comment:

  1. Aaahhhh so pretty and peaceful! The piano and cello is one of my FAVORITE musical combinations, so this is perfect! :D

    And SO MUCH YES to Christmastime! I love it and am absolutely soaking up these joyful days. Plus I personally love the cold weather, so I'm enjoying that too. Haha. But that is a great reminder to reach out to those who may be alone right now. This time of year can definitely be an emotional roller coaster. I hope we can all find and spread a little cheer after such a draining year.

    Thank you for sharing all of this! And I do hope you're having a wonderful December!
