Monday, February 17, 2020

The Music Monday 2019 Awards - Round 2

Well, ladies and gents, we finally did it. We are now finished with round 1 and moving on to the round that is not only the second one, but is also the second last and the second hardest! That's right, we're on round 2!

Before we move forward, we first must take a look behind us and see who the victors of round 1.3 are. Let's the examine the results, shall we? Unfortunately, we only had 7 participants instead of 9, so we'll see if/how that affects the winners.

September: This was a very close match-up--and probably an unfair one too. "The Search" came out on top with 4 votes. Does this mean that people found the kind of good music that they were searching for?

October: Nabbing 5 of the votes, "Majora's Mask" now wears the crown for the spookiest track of the year. (Though honestly, I think it might've been more like 5 people were unwilling to admit just how much "Your Best Nightmare" freaked them out.)

November: In another intense fight for the glory, the one that scratched and clawed its way to the top was "Just Friends" with 4 votes. Seriously, who knew the anthem of the friend zone could be such an extreme bop?

December: This one wasn't even a contest. "Oliver Queen Suite" captured 6 of the participants' hearts, and who can blame them? At least "Mountaintop Secrets" got 1 vote, but "Forgotten Castle" remains true to its name.

This is where the Awards move from the "very hard" status to "quite difficult," before arriving at "nigh impossible" in round 3. You'll be voting for the best song of three months. Remember, the winners here will be the finalists in the 2019 Awards.

January, February, and March

"Main Theme" from A Hat in Time

versus "Dragon Roost Island" from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD

versus "The Kraken" from Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

April, May, and June

"Grape Garden" from Kirby's Return to Dream Land

versus "Beyond the Mirror" from Zelda Cinematica

versus "History Maker" by Dean Fujioka

July, August, and September

"Brave Enough" by Lindsey Stirling

versus "Fireworks" from Animal Crossing: New Leaf

versus "The Search" by NF

October, November, and December

"Majora's Mask" from Children of Termina

versus "Just Friends" remixed/covered by CG5 and Caleb Hyles

versus "Oliver Queen Suite" from Arrow: Season 1

I bet you're all loving me right now, huh? You only have yourselves to thank for this, as these songs are what you chose! Now remember, you have until the end of March 1st to vote for round 2. If you feel so led, tell other people about it. Getting more participation in the last two rounds is always great.

Until next time!


  1. So many of my favorites made it to this next round!!! :D Although...that just makes it HARDER. Whew boy.

    OKAY! Well, the first one is easy anyway..

    1. DRAGON ROOST ISLAND - I mean OF COURSE. It's one of my favorite Zelda songs on the planet.

    This next one though. Good gracious. Kirby, Zelda, and History Maker? I LOVE THEM ALL. *SOBS* I GUESS I'll go with...

    2. BEYOND THE MIRROR - Because it's Zelda, and it just makes me so happy. Even though I ADORE the other two songs as well.

    *more sobbing* So Lindsey Stirling music and Animal Crossing music both make me feel so DIFFERENTLY. One is so epic and just makes you want to conquer the world. While the other is so relaxing and happy and just tosses all your cares away. And I still love The Search. It's so DIFFERENT. *has mini crisis*

    3. BRAVE ENOUGH - There. I made a decision. Even though I kind of like all these songs equally, Brave Enough is just such artistic gold. I feel like it really does deserve an award.

    *has another crisis* JOSIAH. THIS IS HAAARD. I just love these last three so much. But...urgh. Okay, you can probably guess what I'm going to have to go with.

    4. MAJORA'S MASK - That's right, a Zelda song! XD But seriously, the epicness of this song gives me CHILLS. Another one that totally deserves an award.

    I DID IT. Now I can recover from these crises before the next round! ;D

    1. That's the terribly delightful element of the Awards. You want your personal favorites to advance, but when they're pitted against each other . . .

      Yeah, that was a fairly obvious choice for you. There may as well not have been any other options. XD

      Makes sense to me. You're very much a Zelda fangirl, so that would explain your choices quite well. ;P

      That round IS super difficult. But we'll have to see if "Brave Enough" ends up being the best song of 2019 . . .

      Haha, can't wrong with Zelda music, amiright? Rozen makes some freaking epic covers of that franchise's tunes.

      This final round will be the worst by far, I'm sure. XD

  2. Haha! All my songs from the last round won! *composes myself* Stay humble, stay humble... Hehe.

    I vote for...
    Jan, Feb, & Mar: "Main Theme" from A Hat in Time // Yeah, I just really like how happy this song sounds. :)

    Apr, May, & Jun: "Grape Garden" from Kirby's Return to Dream Land // I was gonna vote for "History Maker", but this has always been a favourite of mine. :)

    Jul, Aug, and Sept: Ugghhhh... These are the most difficult months to vote for imo... SUCH a hard choice... I've lost sleep over this... *sigh*. After much thought, debate, and reflection, I have FINALLY decided to vote for... *drumroll* ..."The Search" by NF. Again, such a difficult choice! WHY DO THIS TO ME??

    Oct, Nov, & Dec: "Majora's Mask" from Children of Termina // Not much to say, just like it better than the others. xD

    May the best song win! And NO, I don't have a particular song in mind when I say that. ;)

    1. Humility is sometimes overrated, especially when it comes to these Awards. XD

      Happy tunes are great! And "Main Theme" is definitely chipper and upbeat.

      Ooh, you have fantastic taste, my friend. Kirby music is always perfect. :D

      I detect much sarcasm in this paragraph. NF was the obvious choice for you. There was nothing to debate! XD

      It's a really cool track, for sure!

      Then you are better than the rest of us, good sir. ;P

  3. Oof, this might be tricky. No, correction, it WILL be.

    Jan-Mar: Umm.... The Kraken. I came *this* close to picking the Main Theme from Hat in Time, though, and The Kraken won out just because it's epic and I've loved it longer.

    Apr-Jun: History Maker!

    Jul-Sep: NF VS. LINDSEY STIRLING? HOW DARE. *huffs* Okay. Fine. I'llllll... piiiiiick....... Brave Enough. Ouch. Sorry, Nate.

    Oct-Dec: Oliver Queen Suite.

    (The hardest pick for me was definitely between NF and Lindsey Stirling. Yikes.)

    By the way, I tagged you (no pressure, of course!):

    1. Every round has its tricky parts, but these last two are the worst for that.

      I mean, PotC music is always a win. But I say that about a lot of music. XD

      That seems to be a very difficult round for people. I wonder how it will go down . . .

      Thanks for voting! And thank you for letting me know about the tag. :)

  4. All right, time for me to finally vote! Took me long enough. But I now I think my answers are fairly obvious to me, despite the difficulty of the round.

    Jan., Feb., and March: "The Kraken" gets my vote. I've always been a sucker for PotC music, and this song is no exception. In fact, it's one of my favorite tracks from the franchise. So intense and epic.

    Apr., May, and June: "Grape Garden" steals the show for me. Kirby's Return to Dream Land has some of the best music in the series, and this particular track is really chill and relaxing. I could fall asleep to it, honestly.

    July, Aug., and Sept.: "The Search" receives my vote. That whole album has meant so much to me, and this song was my first love from it. Everything about it screams excellence and uniqueness.

    Oct., Nov., and Dec.: "Oliver Queen Suite" is my choice. C'mon, it's such an epic and powerful song, even in its quiet moments. Blake Neely's theme for the Green Arrow is a masterpiece in every sense of the word.

    Well, that wasn't too hard! Not sure about the final round, though . . .

  5. OOF, look at me, late again! Oh well, I’m here and that’s all that matters. XD

    Jan, Feb, Mar: Dragon Roost Island
    DANG, BOY. This was so stupid hard. (I have a feeling I’m gonna say a few times in this comment...)

    Apr, May, June: History Maker
    It was almost a tie between this one and Grape Garden but uGh, anImE MoOsIc.

    July, Aug, Sept: ...
    Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. I adore all three?! How?! Do?! I?! Pick?!!!!
    Ughhhhhhhhh. I’m tied between The Search and Fireworks.
    The Search.
    (I would pick Fireworks but no one else picked it so... it’d be a useless vote, if that makes sense. XD)

    Oct, Nov, Dec: Just Friends
    *cringy voice* It’s a bop!

    This was hard. Why you make it so harrdddd?!

    1. Yep, definitely better late than never!

      Haha, that was a pretty difficult round! So many good choices.

      Anime music is so goooood. XD

      Yeah, that makes sense. At least we know someone would've been brave enough to pick Animal Crossing music. (See what I did there? :P)

      Hmm, I wonder who's said that before . . . XD

      I don't make it hard. Everyone who votes does! XD

  6. Ooo, boy, this one's gonna be toughie!!!!

    1. Arghhhh, I was thinking I'd pick one of the top two in this one, but when I heard The Kraken I just had to pick that one. XDDDD I love that movie too much. ><

    2. Okay, this one wasn't too hard for me cause I just History Maker that dang much. XD

    3. Gosh, this one is probably the hardest one yet!!!!! >XC I think I'd normally go for Brave Enough, but today I feel like picking The Search. NF's rapping style is so good. ;-;

    4. I think I'm going to pick Just Friends here... O.o It's good.

    Gahhh, this has been fun, Joe Joe!!!! CX I wonder which one is gonna be the final winner. :o

    1. Just wait until the final round!

      The Pirates movies are phenomenal in every way, which obviously includes the music. It's no wonder you picked it.

      Gotta go for that anime music! XD

      NF is superb at his rapping. And his singing, too. I wish he was more popular than he is.

      It's a great song, for sure!

      Haha, whenever I'm called that, I always think of Jojo's Bizarre Adventures. XD Guess we'll have to find out for ourselves!

  7. Tyran’s Choice:
    January, February, March ~ The Kraken
    April, May, June ~ Beyond the Mirror
    July, August, September ~ The Search
    October, November, December ~ Oliver Queen Suite

    I had a tougher time with these than Tyran did, but here goes...

    My choice:
    January, February, March ~ Dragon Roost Island
    April, May, June ~ History Maker
    July, August, September ~ The Search
    October, November, December ~ Majora’s Mask

    1. You both made some excellent choices! And it's kinda cool how you picked the same song for only one round. Thanks for participating! ^_^
