Monday, February 18, 2019

The Music Monday 2018 Awards - Round 2

Welcome to the second last round of the 2018 Awards, ladies and gents!

Before we move on, let's tally up the votes for the previous round, which had eight participants. (And yes, all three of my sisters technically voted late, but I'm being nice and giving some grace. Besides, they're a third of my participants this year!)

September: These two were both tied with 4 votes each, so into the random decision maker they went. The winner is "Strike the Earth! (Plains of Passage)" (though I really wish the "Main Theme" from PLvPW:AA had won).

October: "Day of the Departed" received 5 votes. (I was kinda surprised that three people voted for the Club Penguin song.)

November: "Saviors of the World" won with 6 votes. (The Living Tombstone never has it easy in these Awards so far.)

December: "Undertale" took the cake with 6 votes as well. ("Ice Ruins" didn't even get any votes!)

Now we officially move on to round 2, where things will get much worse--voting-wise, that is. You'll be voting for the best song of three months, so let's not waste any more time.

January, February, and March

"Snowball Park" from Super Mario 3D World

versus "The Tale of Tormak" from LEGO Legends of Chima

versus "Megalovania" from Undertale

April, May, and June

"The Grand Finale" from Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story

versus "Rescue" from The Death Cure

versus "Overworld Adventure" from The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

July, August, and September

"Say" by Gabriel Brown

versus "The Game Has Changed" from Tron: Legacy

versus "Strike the Earth! (Plains of Passage)" from Shovel Knight

October, November, and December

"Day of the Departed" by The Fold

versus "Saviors of the World" by Skillet

versus "Undertale" from Undertale

It's all in your hands now. What will you vote for? Which songs will rise to the final round? We will see in two weeks' time, for once Sunday, March 3rd has passed, votes will not be counted toward the official tally. If you feel compelled to do so, please share this on your social media. While I'd love to have lots of people voting for all the rounds, these last two are especially important. The more people involved, the more interesting this becomes.

I leave it all up to you now.


  1. Ah, dang it . . . This is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT. How am I supposed to just pick one favorite from the three months?! I guess I'll have to try . . .

    January, February, and March: The real challenge for me was picking between "The Tale of Tormak" and "Megalovania." And while I do absolutely love the Undertale soundtrack, I'm leaning toward the Chima song . . . so I'm voting for "The Tale of Tormak."

    April, May, and June: Again, this was difficult for me because of two songs (the first and the last, since they both mean a lot to me in different ways). This decision pains me . . . but I'm choosing "The Grand Finale."

    July, August, and September: Well, uh . . . hmm . . . uh-huh . . . yeah . . . okay! I'm picking "Strike the Earth! (Plains of Passage)." If this had been the "Main Theme" from Layton vs. Wright, it would've been my pick without a second thought.

    October, November, and December: This is a seemingly hard choice . . . but at the end of the day, there's no contest. "Undertale" receives my vote.

    Oh, gosh. Round 3 is gonna be insanely tough.

  2. Oh gracious, here we go. o.o

    January, February, and March: "The Tale of Tormak" from LEGO Legends of Chima.
    (The Mario song is so happy and classic Mario and Megalovania has SUCH a fun beat to it, but I finally had to go with this one for the emotion. It such a beautiful piece. Seems like great writing music!)

    April, May, and June: "Overworld Adventure" from The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
    (Gotta go with Zelda for this one, for obvious reasons.)

    July, August, and September: "The Game Has Changed" from Tron: Legacy
    (The Tron Legacy music is just too good. I used to listen to it ALL the time. Such an epic soundtrack.)

    October, November, and December: "Undertale" from Undertale
    (I have a feeling this one is gonna be the overall winner. XD It's just so beautiful!)

    This voting is seriously gonna kill me. DECISIONSSSS. I don't even want to think about round 3. ACK.

    1. MWA HA HA! >:D

      (Yeah, I can see why you made the choice that you did. You should listen to both Chima soundtracks; they've got some wonderful music.)

      (Of course, of course.)

      (Yeah, Daft Punk created quite the stellar soundtrack that outshone the movie itself.)

      (I have a sneaking suspicion about that too, but I guess we'll see.)

      Oh, round 3 will be one of absolute pain! XD

  3. This round shall be legendary...!!!

    January, February, & March: "Snowball Park" So sweet and bouncy :D

    April, May, & June: "Rescue" Much epic

    July, August, & September: "Say" I see BlackGryph0n, I vote.

    October, November, & December: "Saviors of the World"

    May the best song win!

    1. And so festive/wintery, right? ;P

      Much epic, indeed. XD

      Yeah, I figured you would. :P

      *raises cup of chocolate milk* To the best song!

  4. Dang, my laptop is S L O W. >.< But ahem, anyway, I still enjoyed listening to all these songs again! Why do you have to make voting so hard, bro???

    Jan/Feb/Mar: The Tale of Tormak (so emotional!)
    Apr/May/Jun: Rescue (okay, that one wasn't too hard; I love The Death Cure)
    Jul/Aug/Sep: Say (but the Tron one put up a good fight in my mind)
    Oct/Nov/Dec: Saviors of the World (sorry to the others, but I'm a Panhead)

    May the best songs win! :D

    1. Because it is super O L D. And making these Awards as hard as possible is one of my goals--sort of. In a way. :P

      Thanks for voting, and may they win indeed! ^_^

  5. Jan-March - Snowball Park!! :D
    Apr-Jun - Overworld Adventure <3
    July-Sep - Say by Gryphon :)
    Oct-Dec - "Undertale" takes my vote!!

    Thanks heaps, Joe!

    1. You're welcome, and thank you for voting! I really appreciate it. :D

  6. January, February, and March: Megalovania
    April, May, and June: Overworld Adventure (so many memories! Well, all of the tracks had memories for me, actually, but still. XD)
    July, August, and September: Say
    October, November, and December: Undertale


    1. Better late than never, am I right? ;) Thanks for voting!

  7. 1: Megalovania
    2: Overland Adventure
    3: Say
    4: Undertale

    I’m super sorryyyyyy about being late!!!!!!!! DX

    1. It's okayyyyyy! XD Thank you very much for voting!
