Monday, February 25, 2019

More Dragon Stuff! /// Music Monday #44

Can you believe that it's that time once again?

We're going with another dragon-themed song today, with the track . . .

"Dragon Rider" from the Two Steps From Hell album Archangel
Composed by Thomas Bergersen

To be honest, I kinda forgot that this even existed until, I dunno, about a month ago? And when you see a name like "Dragon Rider," you have certain expectations for what you think it'll sound like. Maybe it'll bear a resemblance to How to Train Your Dragon, or just have a fantasy tone overall.

Well, that's not really the case with this song. Within the first fifteen seconds of it, especially when the electronic part comes on, you know this is totally different. But I absolutely love it! The style is so unique and fresh.

Honestly, that's what a lot of TSFH songs are like. The composers, Thomas Bergersen and Nick Phoenix, get to experiment and try different things and subvert genres. Their music is not only inspiring for my stories' playlists, but also to me as an author. It's a reminder to shake things, to not get stuck in one creative rut, to attempt new and bold things while not completing ditching the old ways.

. . . That kinda came outta nowhere, but dang, that was unexpectedly deep for a Music Monday post! I surprise myself sometimes, it seems.

But yeah, this track is just plain awesome. I definitely need to use it for a story or two of mine. Maybe I could have it for a scene in Shattered, when my boys are fighting off hordes of monstrosities in an epic fashion, or when they're being pursued somewhere at some point in their adventure . . . Gah! It's making me wanna go write their tale again.

Short songs mean short posts. At least, that's often the case. What'd you think of the song? Does TSFH or any other composer inspire you in some way?


  1. Hey! were June and Jose! You have a cool blog!

    1. Hello! Thanks for following me. I'm glad you enjoy my little ol' blog. ^_^

  2. I'm not sure I've heard this one of theirs. :O But it is fabulous! And you're right, I was totally expecting something different from a song called "Dragon Rider", but it still totally works. I LOVE how they think outside the box. You just never know what you're going to get from them, which makes you even MORE excited about their music. That is a good reminder as a writer! Loved your thoughts on that!

    Also, I can toootally see this working for Shattered, at least from what I know about the book. Perfect for an epic battle scene! :D

    1. Really? I'd heard it before, but I didn't really remember it . . . Indeed it is! This is very true. Any time I see they're putting out a new album, I'm like, "Ooh, I gotta buy that ASAP!" I even pre-ordered their latest album on iTunes, Dragon, a while back. Such a great selection of music! Thank you. :D

      You bet it would work! I'm definitely gonna have to include it.
