Thursday, October 18, 2018

Choose Your Own Adventure Series Polls

'Ello! This isn't really a full post, but rather just a quick way for me to give you a place to vote. If you've randomly stumbled upon this post and wonder what on earth I'm talking about, check out the end of last week's post.

The quick explanation is that in the beginning of 2019, I'm doing a story in the form of a post series, comparable to the "choose your own adventure" books. Each chapter ends with a choice that you vote on, and the most popular one wins. The plot evolves with the decisions you make and could either turn very good or very bad.

I need to start planning this bad boy out, so here are a few questions I want answered:

1. What genre should the story be?
A. Fantasy
B. Sci-fi
C. Dystopian
D. Pirate
E. Western

2. What POV should the story have?
A. First-person
B. Third-person

3. What gender should the protagonist be?
A. Male
B. Female

4. Do you have any witty ideas for what the post series should be called? (optional)

And that's all I need to know! But there's one last thing you should be aware of: you have a week to vote. All votes must be put in by Thursday the 25th, at 11:59pm. Any votes cast afterward will not be considered.

If you know of anyone who might be interested in this project, please share this post with them. I want to involve as many people as possible so we get the greatest experience out of it. I'll also be doing my best to raise awareness about this series over the next couple months. Later today, I'll be rolling out the polls on Twitter, but you can't vote in both. You must choose either the Blogger polls or the Twitter ones.

That's it from me! Thanks for your time and for your vote.


  1. How exciting!!! Though you could probably already guess my preferences. XD Third person fantasy all the way! Though ALL those genres would be fun. (Except Western. I'm...not a fan of Western. Though I guess a fantasy Western could be interesting!)

    As far as a male or female protagonist, goodness. I don't know! Probably whichever you feel more comfortable writing. I like both! If I HAD to vote...maybe male? It seems like most stories are told from the POV of females these days, which is fine. But I like a good male protagonist too!

    1. Yeah, you're a bit predictable in that regard. XD Not that it's bad or anything. We're all predictable in some way or another. ;) (Not even The Lone Ranger type of western? Train chases, gunfights, sheriffs and outlaws, that kind of thing? Because that's what I was thinking of. :P)

      Has that been the case? I haven't really noticed. Now that I think about it, there does seem to be a surge of female protagonists--which, again, isn't a bad thing. I'll count your vote as male. :)

  2. Fantasy (Urban could be fun!)
    Third-person present

    I love this kind of story!

    1. Urban fantasy is definitely an idea! I hadn't thought about which specific type of fantasy the story would be, but I'm definitely open to suggestions.

      Oh, and I just realized I hadn't thought about tense. Most CYOA books are present-tense, so I'll have to contemplate that.

      I hope it'll live up to your expectations!

  3. Replies
    1. I'm sensing a common interest here. :P Though I'm most curious as to why everyone's been choosing male so far. Is it because I'm a male writer, or is there another reason?

  4. Hmmm....Western, first-person, male.

    1. Ooh, something other than fantasy. XD Thanks for voting! ^_^

  5. Pirate. First person. Male.

    Title: Practicing Pirates (I’m just tired and that’s the first thing that popped into my head)

    1. I'd love to write a pirate story, but we'll see what the people want. :)

      Well, even those ideas are still that: ideas. So thanks for one!

  6. Genre: Pirate
    POV: First-person
    Protagonist: Male
    No witty ideas. :(

    1. Another pirate vote! :D

      No title ideas? I'm disappointed in you, Preston. ;P I'm sure you tried. XD

  7. This sounds super fun! :o

    I sayyyy dystopian, first person, and female. I'm being unique. XD


    1. That's what I'm hoping it'll be! :D

      You do you, sis. XD Thanks for voting!
