Friday, August 10, 2018

From the Mind to the Mouth /// The Power of Mental Sight Conclusion

Well, here we are. After a couple of months with no finale to my latest "inspirational trilogy," if you will, I've decided to post it today. Before we jump into things, let's quickly review.

In The Power of Mental Sight, I talked about how God told Abraham that ". . . you need to see what I'm giving you" (Genesis 13:17, The Voice). I then related this to how we need to get a picture in our heads of the blessings God has for us in order to start believing them. The follow-up, Your Words Matter, emphasized that life and death are in our tongues. What we say reveals our innermost heart beliefs, and we need to get our words in line with what God says. Now it's time to wrap things up.

Every river has a source. I don't think you'll ever find one that is just sitting there. It always has a birthplace and an endpoint. Likewise, you have a connection between your brain and your tongue, a river of motor neurons and muscles, with the source being your mind. It decides what you'll say and gives the command to speak in a flash.


But there is a return path involved. The water reaches the destination, but it evaporates and goes back to the source via an alternate form. Once we utter words, they are picked up by our ears and sent to the brain. And thus, a cycle is born: the water cycle, and what I'm calling the belief cycle.

It starts with you and your imagination. You're constantly thinking about things, probably more than we're even aware of. That background conversation goes over everything in your life, and you can choose to bring aspects to the forefront when you focus on them.

Let's pretend someone asks you about how your life at home is. You pay attention to that part of the inner dialogue, and you respond accordingly. For example: "Oh, it's great! My parents are the best; they love me and my siblings, and are always trying to become more involved in our lives. I couldn't ask for better siblings, too. We've got a strong bond between us." Speaking those words and hearing yourself say them reinforces your heart beliefs about your family. Your imagination is painting positive images of them, and that has a tremendous effect on you.

However, you could respond negatively, and that will build up beliefs of the same breed. "A man reaps what he sows" (Galatians 6:7b, NIV). What you put in, you will get out. Simple as that. A person would be considered foolish if he planted an apple tree and expected to get oranges from it.

So what is the point I'm trying to make with this post? That river, that connection, between your mind and your mouth is very important. We need to maintain it regularly and keep it clean. God never wanted the system to be used for harmful causes. It's supposed to help us, but it has been tainted by our humanity. Now we must put our effort into fighting to keep ourselves focused on all of God's promises. He wants to speak them into our lives. He's given us the key; we just need to use it.

Some people will argue that you're only playing mind games. But that is far from the truth. Take a look at this verse:

"'Now let Us conceive a new creation--humanity--made in Our image, fashioned according to our likeness.' . . . So God did just that. He created humanity in His image, created them male and female." (Genesis 1:26a, 27, The Voice)

We were made like God Himself. And how did He create the entire world? How did He bring something seen only in His mind into the expanse of nothing? Did He wave a hand? Blow out into the vast emptiness? No, He didn't.

He spoke. And the words that came from His lips restructured that nothing into something He envisioned.

"Well, He's God, and I'm human," you might be saying. "So it doesn't work for me."

Okay, but what about Jesus? Did He not submit Himself to a human form, taking on our likeness, our limitations? And when He performed miracles, did He not regularly speak them into being? I challenge you to sometime read through Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and see how often He spoke His miracles into being (especially ones pertaining to health), whether it was by thanking God or simply commanding it.

"Well, He had the Spirit of God residing in Him," you may be arguing. "He was a special case." And that would be true, if not for these verses:

"'I will talk to the Father, and he'll provide you another Friend so that you'll always have someone with you. This Friend is the Spirit of Truth. The godless world can't take him in because it doesn't have eyes to see him, doesn't know what to look for. But you know him already because he has been staying with you, and will even be in you." (John 14:16-17, The Message)
"The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised  Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living in you." (Romans 8:11, NLT)

And we know that even though the Trinity is listed as three individuals--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit--they are one unit who share the same nature. God has laid it all out for us in the Bible. By speaking, we are activating the nature of God in us to bring forth His promises.

I urge you to dig into the Bible and find all the blessings God has promised us through the death of His Son. But don't just stop there. Use your imagination to see yourself living with those blessings, and then speak them to help you believe that they will come to pass. Don't listen to the enemy when he tells you to stop, or that it won't work.

Keep speaking life, and life will flow.


And thus, this series comes to a close! Any final thoughts? What will you do to change your thoughts and words? My advice would be to ask God to show you where you need to improve and grow, and which promises you should start speaking. 


  1. *LOUD APPLAUSE* This series has been so fantastic! Honestly, ever since your first one it's been something I think about a lot. And you know something is powerful when it sticks in a person's mind. So bravo! Because what we think and say IS the basis for our whole life, it moves and drives us, and we should be so, so careful. It's always my GOAL to be upbeat and an encouragement to others, buuut I end up just complaining a lot. :-/ These posts have reminded me I need to do better, try harder.

    Thank you so much for all of these posts. They were powerful!

  2. Oh this is good! I so agree that words are LIFE or DEATH and that's why we should choose them with care. I love how you bring the imagination into this ;D

  3. This is an awesome blog! And I admire how you used bible verses to connect to your words. Yes our mouth if sacred and that's why we should be careful with what will come out to it. God bless you dear.
