Sunday, July 01, 2018

Blogoversary Vlog, Part 10

And here we are, folks. It's been a crazy ride, but we've finally reached the end. I just want to thank all of you for not only watching my goofy little vlog, but also for sticking around for a whole year. Really, it means so much to me. I can only hope that I make it up to you somehow, someway.

With all that said, I shall utter these words one last time: I recommend wearing headphones, and here are the links to all the songs I used in this video:

I know I keep saying it, but thanks again for submitting questions, watching, and just sticking by my side. This next year's gonna be even better!


  1. I can't believe this is the last one! It's been super fun these last ten days getting a daily video. Thank you again for putting so much effort into this for us. It was a blast!

    I love all your future blogging ideas! I personally really like the video game posts. Buuut I'm a geek, so. XD But oh my goodness, the versus posts sound awesome. (Even if I like Twilight Princess WAY more than Skyward Sword. Bwahaha!) Also, another Humble Beginnings story would be amaziiing. I'm SO gonna miss the current one. I always enjoy your content. You come up with really fun AND thought-provoking posts, which is a fantastic combination in my opinion. Keep rockin' it!

    One more big ol' HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!!!!!! So looking forward to yet another year of awesome Steadfast Pen-ness! :D *shoots off Gandalf-like fireworks*

    (P.S. The credits were great, by the way. XD)

  2. Wow, 10 videos and 71 questions! Good work, Josiah! And congratulations on a year of blogging!

  3. Also (can't believe I forgot) Happy Canada Day!
