Monday, April 05, 2021

The First Anime Opening /// Music Monday #99

Wow, it's time for another one of these? Maybe it just feels like that because of the all the Music Monday Awards posts I've written, especially since there was an extra round.

Our song for today is . . .

"Kiri" from the album Turbulence
Performed by Monoral

I realized that I had yet to showcase any anime opening or ending theme yet. In case you weren't aware, virtually every anime (that I know of) has a song that plays at the beginning of an episode and another for the end. They often have cool visuals that show off both aspects of the current plot and the characters therein without making it obvious that they're spoiling stuff. You tend to notice only after the fact.

Anyway, this one is a bit unusual because openings tend to be more upbeat or intense--at least, in the anime I'm watching--whereas this one is more mellow. That, however, doesn't make it any less good. Not only does it fit its show, Ergo Proxy, really well, but it's also just a nice song to listen to. If I didn't know better, I'd think I was listening to an early 2000s hit, or maybe even a bit of an older Christian song. But nope, it's a Japanese alternative rock band. I have to say, I'm impressed by the lead singer's English. Some Japanese singers have some difficulty pronouncing English words, but this guy doesn't seem to have that issue.

I decided to pick this because it was recently Easter, and this somehow felt like an appropriate song to choose? I dunno, some of the lyrics could be interpreted from a Christian perspective. The main chorus is simply crying out, "Come and save me." And then there's stuff like "You refill my place" and "Believe in me and drink the wine and take my hand and fill me up." It even ends by saying, "Take my hand and let me follow." Could just be me, but it felt like it has some Easter themes to it.

Anyway, I'm not sure what else to say. I'm pretty tired as of my writing this, so I apologize if it's not as interesting as usual. Seeing as the next one will be the 100th addition to this series, I'll have to do something really special for it!

What're your thoughts on the song? Do you agree that it could be seen from the viewpoint of a Christian? How do you feel about there being nearly 100 Music Monday posts?


  1. Literally before I even read you saying it sounds like an early 2000s Christian song, my first thought was, "Wow, this sounds like all the Christian bands I listened to in the early 2000s." It TOTALLY has that flavor, which is not a bad thing AT ALL. It's made me all nostalgic and want to go pull out my old CDs! XD That's insane it's a Japanese band. I would never never guessed that!

    This was a really awesome one and the lyrics were great! Thanks for sharing! Also, I cannot believe we're almost to the 100th song! :O So many epic songs shared!!!

    1. Haha, that's actually hilarious that you were thinking of that! It totally has that vibe, doesn't it? I can't say what exactly about it makes me think that--something about the guitar and the style of vocals, I think. No, definitely not a bad thing, for sure! Wow, that's not something I expected when I shared this song. XD Right??? Like, the vocals make it sound like he's a native English speaker.

      You're welcome! I'm glad that you enjoyed it. I honestly can't wrap my mind around it. It's so crazy to me that I've shared so much and yet so little. The 100th one had better be a gooder!

  2. I must admit, this was not at all what I expected from an anime opening, but it is a bop nonetheless.

    And wow... 99th Music Monday - how the time flies!

    1. Oh, hey, Brianna! Long time, no see. Hope that you're doing well. ^_^

      This is definitely not the standard anime opening, for sure. Most of them are quite epic or intense or upbeat. But it's definitely nice to have an exception like this sometimes. And yes, there's no doubt that it's a bop.

      You're telling me! It feels like just yesterday I was in the single digits and not about the three digits for Music Monday posts. :O
