Friday, September 04, 2020

Monthly HapPENings: August

Well, it seems the heat of summer is drawing to a close, which means it's time for another one of these.

What even was life back in August? What did I do? I honestly can't remember. Life is just a haze these days, hours drifting by and blending into one another. All I can really recall doing is attending a small birthday party that one of my coworkers (who I call my work mom) was holding for her youngest son, and that we've now begun harvesting things from the garden. Don't know what else occurred--which is not a good sign in my mind.

Bookish HapPENings

Did I say I was gonna finish a book this last month? That was obviously a joke, duh! I meant that I'm going to finish a book this month. Ahem. Yep. That's what I meant.

HapPENings on the Screen

I don't watch a lot of movies these days, as I'm finding I currently enjoy the TV show format a lot more. However, Train to Busan is a movie that I can't recommend enough. I'd never seen a zombie film before, and I've barely seen any K-dramas. This one was absolutely perfect. It was intense--extremely so--but it wasn't terrifying just for the sake of being terrifying. It told a powerful, raw story that moved me. With each zombie attack, the stakes increased both physically and emotionally. By the time the end credits rolled around, I felt it was wrong to leave before they were finished. If you're only gonna ever watch one more new movie, let it be this one.

When I started watching S5 of The Flash, I really wasn't into it. It was dull and bland, something I'd hoped this show would never become. S4's beginning was already showing signs of this problem, but not as bad. However, just like with S4, once I got past the crossover stuff (which was actually super good this time around) . . . man, did things kick up a notch. Well, several notches at the point I'm at in the season. I'm honestly looking forward to seeing how things go down. There've been a couple of great twists that I predicted, but only the episode of said twist. I'm holding onto the hope that S5 might end up being very, very good.


(Really, what else can I say that wouldn't spoil things? I'm nearly done S3, so . . . yeah. Probably won't talk about the show again until I'm done so that I actually have something to say.)

Going back to the subject of great movies, Two Heroes is another one to add to the list! Because honestly, an anime about superheroes with fantastic characters that you love (or love to hate) getting a 90 minute movie is one the best things that could happen. To tell you the truth, I still think about it quite frequently. It was just so epic! I knew it was gonna be good, but I had never thought it was gonna be just as great as it ended up being. Definitely a must-see.

Wow, okay . . . so I just finished S1 of Tower of God, and OH MY GOSH. Never before have I hated a character as much I did with how the season ended. (Okay, so Attack on Titan has made me feel very similar things, but this was different somehow. Can't really explain how or why.) And now I have to wait until possibly April of next year until S2 drops? How am I gonna wait that long??? I need answers, and a lot of 'em.

Gaming HapPENings

I finally got my first solo win in here, and it was absolutely insane! Megan and I were having a competition to see who could get a solo win first between the two of us, which she ended up doing. However, on a later date the three of us were gaming together and decided to do a solo match. While Preston was fighting Megan, I snuck into the forge where his axe (one of the best weapons in the game) he'd crafted was waiting. I stole it and ran, with Preston giving chase when he defeated Megan and found out what happened. He ended up dying, and I made it so far that it was just me and one other player. They tried to ambush me, but with a bit of a luck and skill mixed together, I managed to turn the tables and take him down in an intense showdown. I was super ecstatic to get my first solo victory with both Megan and Preston watching. Definitely one of the most satisfying gaming moments for me.

Writerly HapPENings

I didn't write--again. The other night, I was really struggling as I was think about my writing and how I've been feeling about it for a while now (along with some other things), which put me in a bad mental funk. I'm trying to work on it, so . . . yeah. I hope this is an obstacle I can get past sooner rather than later.

What was your August like? Do you remember what you did? Are you as excited for autumn as I am?


  1. August went by in SUCH a blur. I can't believe it's September. o.o Although I'm not really a fan of the summer and LOVE the last few months of the year, so I'm not exactly complaining. XD

    YOUR AVATAR EXCITEMENT MAKES *ME* SO EXCITED!!! Can't wait to see what you think of the ending!

    Hey, it is totally okay if you're not writing right now. This is just a really hard, not to mention WEIRD, year and we really shouldn't put so much pressure on ourselves. I've realized in the past couple of months that trying to force myself to be ridiculously productive and constantly producing things right now it just...not working. It was killing my mental health because I haven't had a chance to get out of the house really and recharge. I'm realizing, in this season, I need more breaks, to have less of a load, and to just be kind to myself. Even though I have MORE free time to BE productive, I actually need to be doing less, because having free time does not equal to having the mental health and creativity to DO all those things. So if you need to set writing aside during this crazy season, THAT IS OKAY. One day life will be brighter, one day we'll be back on our feet. But for now we just have to take every step we can to take care of ourselves, whatever that looks like. <3

  2. Perhaps it was because I was tired, perhaps it was because I got tea on my glasses, but somehow I ended up reading your last paragraph as: 'What was your August like? Do you remember what you are?"

    I don't think I've done a single creative thing last month. But I did manage to get some reading in. I recommend graphic novels, like Stephen McCranie's Space Boy, or some classic Asterix comics.
