Monday, September 07, 2020

A Complex Blend of Emotions /// Music Monday #84

 Has it really been two weeks already? Time seems to fly by so fast these days, and yet not.

Our song for today will be . . .

"The Simulation" from OneShot: Solstice
Composed by Nightmargin

OneShot is an amazing game. I'm pretty sure I've talked about it on here before, but it's about this kid named Niko who wakes up with no memories and is tasked with the burden of restoring the sun to a world void of light. He talks directly to you, the player, as you are the god of said world. The game does things that seriously break the fourth wall, which was one of its coolest features. In the end, you are forced to make a choice that will affect everyone.

If you play the game a second time, you can find an alternative route known as the Solstice run. I know next to nothing about it, as I have yet to do it myself. However, with that new chapter came an additional soundtrack, where you'll find today's song.

There's something about the musical style of the track that I can't get enough of. I suppose it might be considered lo-fi or something, maybe? What I do know is that it is nothing short of absolutely delightful. It's got this really happy vibe to it, with a bouncing melody and light electronic beats. But at the same time, it's almost kind of . . . sad? Bittersweet may be a better term.

When I just listen to it, it brings to mind images of good times spent with friends--times of laughter and joy. You're making memories, trying new things, exploring the unknown, just enjoying each other's company. In the back of your mind, though, you know that all good things must come to an end. So you're aware of when you'll have to go back to normal life, but you're living in the moment.

Then the time to say goodbye comes, and that's when the bittersweet emotion truly hits. You had such a great time. Maybe it was one of the best experiences of your life. You really don't want to return to the grind, the normalcy. Not like you have a choice. So you part ways, and as all of the feelings hit your heart, the last few melancholy notes play. It was good while it lasted; too bad it couldn't have been that way forever.

What're your thoughts on the song? Does it bring to mind any specific images or moods? Have you played OneShot or listened to its OST?

1 comment:

  1. What an interesting song! It does have this strange mix of happy and sad, but it's also really relaxing. It feels like a song to listen to while chilling with friends during summer nights. It has that vibe to me. I like it a lot!

    Also this game sounds really cool!
