Monday, April 20, 2020

Glimmer of Hope /// Music Monday #74

Agh, I completely forgot about this post until I got home from work. Whoops.

Our song today is . . .

"Hope (Xavier's Theme)" from X-Men: Days of Future Past
Composed by John Ottman

I wasn't sure what to pick today, so I decided to let a random generator pick a letter for me. Whichever it chose, I'd pick a song from one of the soundtracks I own that starts with that letter. Days of Future Past is the only X soundtrack I have.

"Hope" has always been one of my favorite tracks from the album. And I think we could use some hope these days, so . . . maybe it's relevant music? The song itself is quiet and gentle, slowly building up to its crescendo before dropping back down. There's something very stirring about the music in its soft nature. It's like it's caressing your soul, wiping away your tears, telling you to chin up and keep hoping.

I'm not sure about the context of the song in the movie, as I haven't seen it yet, but I can take it into the context of today. We're living in a time of uncertainties, a time of global fear, a time of separation. Loved ones must stay at arm's length. Friends can't hang out after work. People are forced to isolate themselves from everyone else. Normalcy doesn't seem to be a thing anymore. Life moves on, yet it feels like it's at a standstill.

But then there's hope. There are negative aspects to it (which I won't delve into here). I want to focus on the positive at the moment. We have hope that we'll live in a time that has more certainties, less fear, and less separation. Loved ones can hug and cry in each other's arms. Friends can hang out after work, talking and laughing and enjoying themselves. People won't be forced to isolate themselves from all the others around them. Normalcy can be a thing again. And life still moves on, yet we take the time to stop and hope.

I don't know if you need to hear this today, but I want you to do something. Listen to this song again. Within the music, feel God's presence surrounding you. It's like He's caressing your soul, wiping away your tears, telling you to chin up and keep hoping.

It's gonna be okay.

Well, that's my inspirational piece for the day. What'd you think of the music? When you think of hope, what comes to mind? What gives you hope with everything that's going on right now?


  1. Oh wow. I haven't heard this one before. What a gorgeous, moving piece! Definitely adding this to my watch later list on YouTube. This is FANTASTIC writing music!

    I love that your generator landed on a song titled "Hope". That is definitely something we need right now. Because no matter how dark things get, no matter how hard times are, we ALWAYS have God's hope.

    Thank you for sharing these comforting thoughts with us. It was much needed today. Praying for you and your family!

  2. This song is absolutely gorgeous. I don't know why, but it reminds me of Time from Inception. XD They both have that quiet, emotional feel to them.
    This was such a perfect pick for this week, Josiah! I hope your day is going well so far. :D

  3. That WAS beautiful! And I love what you said about closing your eyes and feeling God's presence.

    Loved this music and your thoughts on hope. Thank you for sharing!
