Friday, April 10, 2020

Monthly HapPENings: March

So, uh, this was technically supposed to be up last week Friday. It was only on Saturday that I realized, "Oh, I should've had a post yesterday, shouldn't I have?" That's why you're getting this a week late!

Life last month . . . well, it's been strange, thanks to the virus and everything. For me, as a guy living in Canada, the whole pandemic has affected for just a few weeks or so. But it feels like forever. I want it all to be done for good . . . As someone who's socially-oriented, and who is being forced to not hang out with friends and not socialize, I've been taking it hard. I won't go into all the details, but let's just say that March was definitely not one of my better months.

Bookish HapPENings


Whaaat? I actually finished a book? Crazy! I'm kinda surprised it took me so long to read, as I usually breeze through John Flanagan's books. As usual, this one was a very good and enjoyable read, like all of his other novels. It had almost seemed like the plot was going to take an unexpected turn at one point, and it ended up doing so--just not in the way I predicted. Definitely looking forward to reading the sixth book in the Brotherband Chronicles!

HapPENings on the Screen

Finally got around to watching Once again, and it actually ended up being a pretty decent episode! I hope the show keeps going in this direction for a while (I know it really crashes when S7 rolls around), because it's interesting me more now than it has for some time. We'll see how S4 ends off . . .

I know I keep saying this, but Avatar constantly impresses me. I honestly don't know why; maybe it was because I didn't have much--or any--expectations going into it. I'm so close to the end of S2, and the plot has been building up to something big for so long now. I think the ending's either gonna get intense or ratchet up the stakes majorly for the final season. Or maybe both.


I finished Firefly last month (a great show all in all, though it had a couple of flaws and it definitely didn't have any full resolution to it), so I started my venture into S1 of Arrow. I'm quite loving it so far! I've always been a fan of the vigilante heroes (thanks to Batman being one of my favorite heroes), and this show delivers that so well. Oliver is a really likable guy, and it pains me that he still has to act like his old, playboy self just to keep up appearances and not reveal that he has indeed begun working on the city's corruption. I anticipate where the season is headed and what other twists are in store for me.

Agh, how can I express my love for this show and all of it's quirky characters (pun intended)? Well, let me attempt it: S2 has made me cry or almost cry--can't remember which. It has introduced a character that I'd love to punch in the face a few times. Even though the stakes aren't all that high, it has had some moments that have definitely made me tense up. And the last fight that I saw in the hero tournament was between two very loved characters, which made me not know who I should cheer for. But it ended up much differently than I expected, which I quite appreciated. (And I just sense that something really bad is right around the corner . . .)

I finished S2, and man, what a season that was! For only being twelve episodes, it packed so. Many. Punches. There were unexpected plot twists that took me by surprise, characters that left me conflicted, and so much more. Questions were answered, but more were added. Which meant that the ending gave a bit of satisfaction, but has me hungry for S3. I suspect I'm in for more surprises, reveals that'll leave me breathless, and emotional moments in which I'll bawl like a baby. It's a phenomenal show, and no one can convince me otherwise. (Also, I started watching S1 with all three of my sisters--because Tracey hadn't seen it yet--and even though it was my fifth time seeing the first episode, it had me both crying and noticing things that I hadn't before. That's the sign of an incredible show, I tell ya!)

Gaming HapPENings


I bought New Horizons on its release day, and there have been no regrets! I absolutely love this new addition to the Animal Crossing franchise--but I knew I would. It's the little details that really wow me, for some reason, Like the fact that the trees and grass rustle in the wind, or that the water ripples and looks so dang good. I haven't advanced very far in the game, as my island is still pretty deserted, but I don't mind taking my time and going at my own pace. That's the whole point of the series, right? Also, can I just say that Blathers's voice is the cutest one in the game? BECAUSE IT IS. YOU CAN EVEN KINDA HEAR THE REAL WORDS SOMETIMES. That is all.


I've begun working more frequently on my backlog of 3DS games that I want to finish. One title on that list is Dream Team, the very first game I bought for the system. (I actually got it before I even owned my 2DS XL, as I wanted to "force myself" to get one so I could play the game.) I had started playing it when I got my 2DS, but then I dropped it for a year or two. I restarted it a while back and am now doing stuff that I hadn't before. It's such a fun game! I've always enjoyed the Mario & Luigi series, but this one might just tussle with Bowser's Inside Story for the title of favorite game in the franchise. The additions they've made to the battle system are perfect, the music is always an epic bop, the new animation style is gorgeous, and the humor is always on-point for me. A solid experience so far, and I imagine it'll stay that way.

Writerly HapPENings

Didn't do any writing last month, but I wasn't in the right headspace for it--haven't been in a while. Lately, though, I've been feeling some urges to get back into it. Maybe I'll actually have something to say in this section when May rolls around.

So that was my March. How was yours? How're you coping with everything that's been going on? Have you found a way to keep yourself busy?


  1. Okay, now I’m curious - who’s the My Hero Academia character you want to punch?? XD I can think of several right off the top of my head, personally, XD

    I hope April goes better for you that March did! Things have definitely been weird - let’s hope this all gets over soon! <3

  2. March was definitely...something. So mentally draining. I do hope you have a much brighter April!

  3. I've been wanting to watch Avatar! I've heard so many good things about it.

    I'm sorry March wasn't a good month for you! Praying April sees things going in a better direction, for all of us.

  4. I can't wait for this virus to leave! I'm so sick of staying in the house! -Josiah
