Friday, March 06, 2020

Monthly HapPENings: February

Y'know, even though February had one extra day in it, I swear it went by just as fast as any other month.

So . . . for some reason my mind is completely blanking out on any life events or social activities that happened this last month. Usually I remember these things, but not today. I know I went for supper/coffee with one of my uncles once or twice . . . but I can't recall what else I did. I'm pretty sure I did stuff. I dunno. Sorry that this section is going to be so boring this time around.

Bookish HapPENings

I didn't finish any books in February either, even though I said last time that I'd hoped to get more reading done. Whoops. Maybe this next month will be better in that regard.

HapPENings on the Screen

Rewatched this with my family, and I remember why I absolutely love the Pirates series so much. Like, it's one of my all-time favorite movie franchises. I was also really impressed by how much the CGI withstands the test of time. The skeleton pirates looked really cool, even though the movie was made about seventeen years ago. I also noticed how they purposefully made it difficult for themselves, by having Jack and Barbossa have their final duel in a cave with random beams of moonlight shining down. The two combatants would pass through them in their fight and appear in their skeletal forms while in moonlight. It's never been something I took note of before, but I really appreciated it this time around. Also, this movie's score literally defined what pirate music sounds like. It's amazing.


Another rewatch. I'd seen this movie once, and that was a year or two ago. I loved it just as much now as I did then. The themes resonated strongly with me, especially with where I am in my life right now. I can't really talk about what I all pulled from the film, because that'd quickly venture into spoiler territory. But there were some good messages for me. Fury Road might be intense, violent, and strange, but it's also powerfully moving and emotional. And the score is on my list of my top four favorite soundtracks of all time.

Avatar continues to both impress and amuse. The last several episodes have been very strongly connected, and it's a direction that I'm truly appreciating. I love how the main characters are all heading for the same place, and you know that they're gonna cross paths sooner or later. Plus, there've been at least a couple of times in S2 where I've had to rewind funny moments because they've made me laugh so hard. This is a fantastic show, and I must own it.


I've begun watching S2 of My Hero Academia, and oh, is it ever good! It hasn't been overly intense yet, but I know it's gotta be building up to something big. However, that doesn't mean that's what happened so far is uninteresting--far from it, actually. The UA tournament has been a fantastic arc so far, and I really do love the focus on Todoroki (the white-and-red-haired dude). Can't wait to see how the season progresses!


Also started watching S2 of Attack on Titan. I don't know what to say except OH MAH FREAKING GOSH. They really haven't held back in this season. Episode 1 kicked things off with a bang, and it's only gotten better. I appreciate how some characters who were secondary in S1 are getting more attention this time around. But with there being just twelve episodes in S2, I have to wonder how crazy things are going to get. I love it! (And yes, I did watch the OVAs before this season, and they were great too--well, the last three were nothing short of amazing!)

I'm now over halfway through Firefly, and I'm quite enjoying it! The last episode I watched in February was definitely one of my favorites. It was shot well and meshed present, past, and even further past together in a cohesive manner. Overall, I can really see why people love this show. You can bet that I'll be buying the movie (called Serenity) soon so that I can get an idea of how Joss wanted things to end.

Gaming HapPENings


I was in the mood to play Skyward Sword again the other day, and my gosh, I'd forgotten just how much I freaking love that game! I'm currently replaying the game in Hero Mode, and I had left off at the entrance of Skyview Temple. Definitely a fun experience with my sisters (I thought I'd heard one of them say I should let a Bokoblin "ganumpsh" me so I could die and restart at the save point, and that became one of our running jokes.) I also died in the Ghirahim battle, which I hadn't expected. In the end, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and I still have no clue as to why people complain about the motion controls. They work just fine for me.

Writerly HapPENings

Didn't do any writing this last month. I've been preoccupied with other things/haven't been in the right headspace. Hopefully I can at least write a piece for Havok in March.

Welp, that was my February. How was yours? I'm sure it was a lot more interesting than mine, so I wanna hear all about it.


  1. You consumed such great fiction last month! PotC, Fury Road, Avatar! YES YES YES!!! I definitely need to give PotC a rewatch, it's been a while! It always shocks me how old it really is, because like...I remember it being in theaters, and it's stood up SO well to the test of time. o.o It just makes me forget that it is getting up in age.

    Firefly is one of those shows I keep meaning to watch, since basically the whole world screams about how good it is. XD One day I'll have to give it a try myself!

    Happy March to you! I do hope it proves to be a refreshing, fun, and fantastic month! ^_^

    1. For a moment, I thought you were specifically talking about my books, and I was gonna be like, "But I didn't read anything." XD But yes, they are all great! You really should; the series is one of my personal favorites. Each installment is highly entertaining and enjoyable.

      I think you would like it! It's not a perfect show, but it's certainly a great one. The preacher character is one of my favorites, for a few different reasons. :P

      Haha, thanks! Same to you! That would be nice . . . I really hope so too. ^_^

  2. I'm amused by that My Hero Academia poster-- Just about everyone is screaming, but Todoroki isn't putting his heart into it, and above him PurpleMask looks as if he'd rather be somewhere else.

    1. Haha! I'd never noticed that before. XD You're right, Todoroki definitely looks like he's yelling just to fit in with everyone else. And ugh, I hate Mineta. XP

  3. Okay, MY HERO ACADEMIA AND AVATAR ARE SO GOOD. *freaks out* And I love the Todoroki-themed arc of S2 as well!

    1. Yes, they are! I'm definitely in love with both shows. :D Todoroki is such a cool character. I'm curious to see where exactly his arc is going to go. Seems like he's got a pretty dark and tragic past, from the sounds of it.
