Monday, March 09, 2020

Get Pumped Up! /// Music Monday #71

Well, we have sprang ahead an hour this past weekend, but we'll never skip so far ahead that we'll miss a Music Monday!

Our song of the day is none other than . . .

"You Say Run" from My Hero Academia: Season 1
Composed by Yuki Hayashi

If you read my Monthly HapPENings posts, you'll know that I'm currently watching a few anime, one of which is the ever-popular My Hero Academia (also referred to as Boku no Hero Academia). It's about a boy named Deku--the green-haired fellow in the video--who lives in a world where 80% of the population have quirks, otherwise known as superpowers. Some folks use them for selfish purposes and turn to lives of chaos and crime. Others fight back by using their abilities to serve justice and look good doing it.

Deku has always dreamed of being a hero, just like his idol, All Might. (He's the blonde in the middle.) But unfortunately, Deku falls under the 20% of people who are quirkless. He resolves to go against the norm and enrolls for UA High, the school that raises young superheroes and hones their powers. In an unexpected twist of fate, Deku is able to get into UA thanks to the guidance of another hero, but that's only the start of the battle. If he wants to prove his mettle, he'll have to face many obstacles--including other students who are desperate to get to the top no matter what.

I think this song is a good representation of the show--or at least, S1. It's a powersong, one that makes you wanna get up and moving because of how pumped you are. Through its soaring strings, relentless drums, pulsing guitar, and ethereal choir, it fills you with determination, perseverance, strength, and courage. I feel like this is could be Deku's theme song, as he struggles against mighty odds and ruthless opponents. He's not willing to let his dream die, and so he'll fight with everything he's got.

I hadn't realized that this was such a motivating song until it randomly played on my way to work a week or two ago. Hearing made me go, "Dang, I feel like I can take on today!" I imagine if I listen to it on a walk, I just might end up running--or at least fast-walking. It's just such an epic song. The anime soundtracks I own have been top-notch so far. Might be one of my new favorite musical niches.

What're your thoughts on this song? How does it make you feel? Have you seen My Hero Academia yet? 'Cuz you should if you haven't!


  1. Before I even read where you said this is a song that makes you want to get up and move, I was thinking the EXACT same thing! This would be a great tune to put on while exercising or something! It definitely pumps you up and makes you feel like you can do anything.

    I really need to try My Hero Academia someday. I've been meaning to give some anime a try, and this one is so loved. Makes me want to see what the hype is about! :D

    1. WHAAA-?! We must be related somehow! XD If I ever decide to make an exercising or motivational playlist, this song is going to be on it, no questions asked. It's crazy that music can be so powerful!

      YAS, you really must! It's so good, and I think it'd be right up your alley. I feel like you would also really enjoy Attack on Titan. It's totally different in tone and stuff, but it's so freaking incredible! ^_^

  2. I love this song and agree 100% with you - it’s such a great song for exercise!
    (And Christine - yesss, you NEED to watch MHA!)

    1. Ayy, another MHA music lover! *high fives* Isn't it? I feel like I'd be so motivated to run as fast as I could. XD

      (She does, because it's amazing.)
