Monday, May 03, 2021

Another Springy Melody /// Music Monday #101

Hey, look at your calendar. Trust me, just go find the nearest one and look at it. (If you stand up to look for one instead of checking it out on your computer or phone, I'm going to be so embarrassed for you.) What day is it today? If you said May 3rd, you're correct! Now look at how many weeks there are in May. Do you see what I'm getting at? If not . . .

May is a very special month because there are going to be three Music Monday posts instead of just two!

Our song today is . . .

"Breezy Mushrise Park" from Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
Composed by Yoko Shimomura

I know I already did one spring sort of song back in March, but it's finally feeling like spring where I live, so I figured, "Eh, why not?" Also Yoko Shimomura. She is one of the best game composers of all time, and one of my personal favorites. Love her work, and I won't tolerate any slander toward her!

Have I ever talked about how much I love the Mario & Luigi series? Because I love it--like, a LOT. It has some of the best RPGs in existence with some of the best humor and music. I've thoroughly enjoyed each game that I've played, and I recommend them to anyone I can. It's really such a shame that the developers, a company called AlphaDream, had to file for bankruptcy. I would've loved to see another entry. The series would be great on the Switch.

When it comes down to OSTs, they all excel. It's hard to pick which game has my favorite score. I'm thinking it might be Dream Team, though. This track in particular was one that made me fall very much in love with the soundtrack. It's hard to describe exactly what feelings it conveys. There's definitely a chipper happiness to it, but the instrumentation does so much more than that. It's really hard to explain. Maybe it's just the nostalgia I'm feeling.

Whatever the case, I think it has a certain springy sort of vibe to it. I honestly don't know how songs can sound like specific seasons and locations, but they can. I wonder if it's just the instrument choice? Like, you'll hear a few instruments frequently in winter locales, or desert worlds, or a multitude of other places. So is it just hearing those specific instruments that causes your brain to associate them with a season or whatever? What would happen if the associations didn't exist? Could a song used for a desert level in a video game suddenly make you think of exploring a sunken pirate ship? Right now, I'm not entirely sure, but that's because of the associations that have been established in my mind. It's weird to think of not having them.

Wow, that was a ramble. But that's the nice things about these posts, right? They allow me to not only share good music, but also whatever thoughts come to mind when I listen to said music. I think it makes for a decent variety of content on Music Monday.

So that's that! What did you think of the song? What impressions did it give you? Do you have any thoughts to add to my ramblings?

1 comment:

  1. YOKO SHIMOMURA!!! She is my GIRL. She always does the music for the Kingdom Hearts games and just-- *clutches heart* That is like my favorite music in all the world. She's a genius. Have you listened to the Final Fantasy XV soundtrack? I've yet to play it, but I'm OBSESSED with the music because she did that one too.

    And aaaahhhh! This one is so fun!!! I absolutely see what you mean about it having a sort of spring vibe. It really is funny how we've come to associate certain sounds with certain weather, but I love it. Music is fascinating!

    Thanks for sharing this one!
