Friday, October 09, 2020

Monthly HapPENings: September

Oh . . . I guess it's October already. Totally forgot about this.

Man, what did I do in September . . . I feel like this happens all the time, but especially in 2020. I can't remember much of what I did. One of my aunts got married, we celebrated my parents' anniversary, we took out the rest of the garden . . . not a whole lot else. Sad, I know, but that's life nowadays.

Bookish HapPENings

Sometimes I wonder why I even include this category these days. I still haven't finished any book in a while. Suppose I'll insert an obligatory "let's hope I finish one this month" here.

HapPENings on the Screen

When I started watching S3 of My Hero Academia, I had no idea it was going as intense as it has, as quickly as it has. I was so not prepared. Watching one episode a week can be absolute agony sometimes. How am I supposed to wait so long to see if the characters are gonna make it out okay? And if they're holding nothing back at the beginning of a season, what's it going to look like by the time I reach the end?

Fire Force is probably one of the best anime I've seen so far. Aside from the fan service that's thrown into each episode I've seen so far (it feels very obligatory), it's got a lot of things going for it. Even when it gets borderline ridiculous, I still feel nothing but love for the show. Shinra and Arthur are some of the greatest main protagonists, and a villain in a couple of recent episodes was super creepy--enough so that I wanted him to die because of how messed up he was, and I also wanted him to not die because I wanted him to get more screen time since he was so interesting. I'm very interested in seeing where the plot is all going to go . . .

Arrow S2, baby! Let's GOOOO! Sorry, I loved S1 so, so much, and I was super excited to get into the next season. One thing I love about it is how it has consequences--and a lot of 'em too--thanks to what happened in the first season and its ending. It's all felt so natural and realistic in that regard. And I can't praise them enough for how they integrate backstory. Other shows should take note. I'm thrilled about where this season is ending, and I can't wait to see how it plays out. (Also yes, the ending of S5 of The Flash ended up being quite the turnaround from how the season started. It honestly made the whole thing so much better.)

So I'm a little over halfway through S1 of Ace Attorney, and I'm quite enjoying it! One might say I'm biased because I love the games so much, but c'mon, the show has plenty of merit on its own. I don't know why people give it so much flack. Sure, the revelations of whodunnit are best experienced in the games where they have more time for buildups. That doesn't mean the anime is no good. The casting is absolutely perfect in my books, and it's just an entertaining experience overall. I can't wait to see more of my favorite cases!

Gaming HapPENings

Among Us is one of my current gaming addictions. I've only owned it for a few weeks, and I think I have close to 25 hours clocked into it (at least, as of the time that I'm writing this). It's basically Mafia in space. The mechanics are simple and easy to get the hang of, but it can be difficult to actually master the game. I've failed as the imposter due to really bad mistakes, most of which involve me killing someone and either having someone walk in on me or walking out and bumping into someone else. Sometimes you end up in a lobby full of great people; sometimes it's a bunch of toxic players--which can actually end up being pretty hilarious on occasion. If you ever want to play this with me, hit me up! It's free on mobile (obviously with optional in-app purchases), and only $5 or so on Steam. Trust me, you're getting a lot of fun and entertainment for pretty cheap.

Writerly HapPENings

Nothing here again. I've thought about writing again, sometimes getting in the mood, but haven't acted on it. Can't put my finger on exactly why. But it probably won't happen this month, considering as I'm participating in Inktober.

Well, that was September for me. Was yours any better? Are you glad that it's finally autumn? (I know I am.)

1 comment:

  1. I feel you on not being able to remember one month from the other! This year is such a random blur of nonsense. XD But huzzah for great TV shows to keep us sane!

    I am DEFINITELY glad it is at last Autumn. I'm soaking up these cooler days. They've definitely made life seem brighter. ^_^

    Here's to a hopefully great fall!
