Monday, December 30, 2019

Last One of the Year! /// Music Monday #66

Yes, we are on the last Music Monday post of 2019. It feels like it was just yesterday that I was sitting down to write the very first one of the year. Crazy how time flies, huh?

I know I ended last year with a longer, more emotional song ("Undertale" from the Undertale soundtrack, if you recall). I've decided to do that again this year with . . .

"Oliver Queen Suite" from Arrow: Season 1
Composed by Blake Neely

Okay, this is honestly one of the best musical pieces to come out of any TV show. Heck, I'd probably classify it as one of my (many) all-time favorite tracks. It captures so many emotions, starting with gritty electronic elements and ending with a triumphant twist on that. In between, it moves from heart-wrenching sorrow to a thoughtful, quiet happiness.

I don't know about you, but 2019 has been an interesting year. It's been one of success and failure, one of ups and downs, one of radiant light and heavy shadows. But you know what? We made it. We pulled through. That should be cause enough for celebration, wouldn't you say?

I love how the song ends on a hopeful note. It has swells and drops, and it takes a while to reach that end, but never does it stop building toward it along the way. Every note makes the song what it is; take out one, and what're you left with?

Right now, that's what the track is reminding me of. Everything that happens in life shapes who we are. It's inevitable that all of your victories and all of your failures help you to become the person you are. But just because not everything that happens to you is good, that doesn't mean that those things can't be worked for your good. Scars can become beautiful, and pain can morph into healing.

That's something I've really learned this past year. The people you encounter in life have all struggled, all fallen, all been cut and bruised. But all that can be used to help others. One soul can share in the brokenness of another and mend it. Never forget that you can always reach out to others for help, and never forget where you've come from when someone, someday, reaches out to you.

There you have it, the final post of 2019. What'd you think of the song, or my philosophical ramblings? (And don't forget that next week Monday is the start of the Music Monday 2019 Awards!)


  1. OH MY GOODNESS. What a perfect song to end the year on. Such a powerful, beautiful one!!! Man, the Arrow music is fantastic. I listen to the ones you put on my BT soundtrack constantly. Especially "I Can't Lose You Twice". So beautiful and heartrending. <333 And this one is the SAME. I loved it!

    I also love what you said about it! What a great analogy--how sometimes we have to go through the hard things to get to the good ones. YES. What a thought!

    Thank you for sharing this. For sharing ALL the songs you do. I always enjoy them. Can't wait for more come 2020! :D

    1. Thank you! I'd been hoping it would be a fitting conclusion to the year. From what I've heard of them, all of the Arrowverse soundtracks are amazing. Blake Neely is a really talented composer. I'm really glad you enjoy those songs! Yeah, they've got some really heartfelt emotion to them.

      Thank you! I've definitely learned that firsthand this year. It's been a tough one, and I've still got plenty of issues to deal with, but I believe I'll come out stronger in the end.

      You're welcome! And thank YOU for always reading and commenting. Means a lot to me. ^_^ You'll definitely be getting more tunes, that's for sure!
