Monday, August 12, 2019

Right in the Nostalgia! /// Music Monday #56

Hey, you! Yes, you! I'm talking to you, bub! Wanna hear a song? 'Cause I got one for ya.

Today's post is gonna be short and sweet, just like the song, which is . . .

"Yoshi Village" from Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
Composed by Yoko Shimomura

Okay, let's get one thing absolutely clear: Yoko Shimomura is one of the greatest composers of our time. Seriously, this lady is a bricking LEGEND when it comes to creating phenomenal scores. I'm mostly familiar with her work on the Mario & Luigi series, but that alone is enough to convince me of her greatness.

Let me explain a little bit about this game to help you fully comprehend her musical skills. When Princess Peach disappears in the past, Mario and Luigi must travel back in time and fend off an alien invasion that threatens the entire Mushroom Kingdom. They visit several locales in these bygone years, one of which is Yoshi Village . . . which is probably located on Yoshi's Island. (Hey, no one ever accused the Yoshis of being creative when it comes to naming things.)

So y'know what these genius of a composer did? Y'know what she hecking did?!

*takes a deep breath*


I'm sorry, but the Yoshi's Island game is my childhood. Well, technically not my childhood and more like my tweenhood, but you get the idea. I loved that game to bits. It was my first Nintendo experience, and to this day, it still holds all the charm and wonder that it did when I first played it.

So imagine my shock when I enter Yoshi Village for the first time and HEAR. THIS. SONG. My mind was blown! Honestly, this musical piece is one of the game's best, simply because Ms. Yoko knew exactly how and when to hit us right in the nostalgia. Props to her, the madwoman! (I mean that in the best way possible.)

What about you? Have you played either Partners in Time or Yoshi's Island? If you've played the latter, did this getcha good too?

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GRACIOUS IT'S SO HAPPY AND PERFECT. I ADORE Yoshi's Island. So yessss. I totally get the happiness here. I was probably...mmm. A preteen when I first played Yoshi's Island? Such happy times. This song is a pure DELIGHT. I've shamefully...not played Partners in Time. But I NEED to. Deeesperately.

    I love that Yoshi's Island was your first Nintendo experience. Mine was Super Mario World...on the Super Nintendo. Because I am that old. Actually, my parents got it for my older brother. I was literally a baby at the time. I think I was 4 when I first played it, but had been watching my brother play it before then. So when I say I grew up with Mario, I mean it quite literally. XD

    NOW THIS IS MAKING ME ALL NOSTALGIC. GAH. I just love this franchise!
