Monday, June 24, 2019

Music Monday #52 . . . Another One Forgotten

Heya, cool kids! You know what's cooler than you? That's right, Music Monday! You know what's not cooler than you? Posting it a week late again!

But you know what the coolest thing ever? The song we're listening to!

"History Maker" from the album History in the Making
Composed by Dean Fujioka

Okay, I'm not going to talk much for a couple reasons. First, it's super late, and I really need to hit the sack, so I'm keeping this all really brief. Secondly, the music video and the song more than speak for themselves, and I doubt my words would add much.

If you're familiar with anime, you might know that this is the theme song for Yuri on Ice, an anime show about figure skating. The lyrics don't really reference any of the show, which I'm fine with. It means that I can use it for my own stories!

Speaking of which, I actually have included this song in my Spotify playlist, "Inspiration for Chapters of Kythe." Honestly, this could work for any one of my six main protagonists in the trilogy of trilogies. Heck, it can work for all of 'em together! There's just something really hopeful and inspiring about the song. (Maybe it's the orchestral music.)

The music video itself is just fantastic. It seems that Asian singers and bands go all out with their music videos, and this one is a prime example. Plus, I love it that the music is all done by an orchestra and choir. It gives the song a different tone than if "regular" instruments had been used. I want to see and hear more of this kind of stuff!

Anyway, I'm done for now. I hope you guys enjoyed the song! Feel free to share all your thoughts in the comments, and let me know if you've got any songs/playlists that inspire your creative work.

1 comment:

  1. OOOOH. O___O I have never heard this one, but it was so much fun. AND THE MUSIC VIDEO. After watching that I feel all inspired to write! In fact, this song (AND the music video) would go great with the novel I'll probably be writing for NaNoWriMo. *adds to watch later* I LOVE THIS!

    These posts have expanded my music so very much. I just love 'em! ^_^
