Monday, May 21, 2018

Here Comes the Epicness! /// Music Monday #24

To my followers around the world: happy Monday! (Though it might actually be Tuesday for some people, in which case, from this day forward, you will mentally call these posts Tune Tuesday.)

To all Canadian readers: happy Victoria Day! Because who doesn't love a long weekend?

To all soundtrack enthusiasts: happy Music Monday!

"Rescue" from The Death Cure
Composed by John Paesano

Yesterday, I pondered what song I should showcase today. Seeing as I watched The Death Cure for the second time yesterday--and once again noticed its soundtrack throughout--I figured it would be fitting to choose a track from there.

This is the opening song, and man! What an epic track! The whole scene was epic. Actually, the whole movie was epic! Such a solid trilogy. While James Dashner had great ideas, his execution was subpar. The films took his ideas and presented them in a cohesive manner, breathing life into his characters and--

Sorry, I'm getting off-track (pun intended). Once I've finished the books, I'll have to do a comparison between them and the movies. Back to the song!

When I watched this at the theater, the instant the music kicked into gear, I was hooked. I knew this movie was going to be an excellent one. And it was; plus, it made me cry more than any other film has. I have come to realize over the course of the trilogy that Paesano is a master at his craft. His music added to the creepiness, the action, the emotion . . . He seems to be a bit of an underrated composer, but he's really good!

And is it just me, or are there some moments in this particular song that give off a bit of a Fury Road vibe? Speaking of which, I gotta present a song from there in the near future.

Oh, look at me. I'm getting distracted again. Well, might as well end here, since I want to go for a walk in the beautiful, warm sunshine. Thanks for tuning in today, folks!

What'd you think of the song? Was it epic enough for your tastes? Have you seen the movie? If so, what are your thoughts on it? Do you have a preference between the books and the films?

1 comment:

  1. "While James Dashner had great ideas, his execution was subpar. The films took his ideas and presented them in a cohesive manner, breathing life into his characters." <-- THIS YES. Although, confession, I've only seen the first movie and read the first two books, BUT, I still agree. The book had a great premise but the characters were so flat and writing had...much to be desired. The movies really brought it all more to life. Such a rare moment where the movies are better than the books!

    Anyways, this song was so powerful! It's making me want to catch up on all the movies. Everyone is always raving over The Death Cure. I MUST WATCH IT.

    Also I toootally agree that the song has a very Fury Road vibe. I actually saw Fury Road for the first time just last month It was a powerful movie. One that really sticks with you. That'd be awesome if you shared a song from it sometime!
